Pro Chess DVD

About three years ago I was analyzing the Pro Chess DVD by GM Yasser Seirawan and decided to create an outline for myself and others to follow along with. It helps to see each idea visually on paper while watching the video and interpreting the information from your TV or PC screen. Follow along and enjoy!

Tactics List

1. Pins (relative, absolute, and cross pin)
2. Double Attacks
3. Battery (double battery)
4. Remove the Defender
5. Interference
6. Fork
7. Zwichenzug
8. Discovery
9. Double Check
10. Skewer
11. Under Promotion
12. Windmill Attack
13. Clearance
14. Overworked Piece
15. X-Ray Attack and Defense
16. Zugzwang

Rules of Attack

1. Don’t exchange attackers for defenders unnecessarily
2. You must have an advantage in order to attack
3. Attack to provoke a pawn weakness
4. Apply the force count – including King

Rules of Defense (Steinitz)

1. Use an economic defense (number of pieces)
2. Avoid pawn weaknesses

Time, Space (whites area and blacks area space count), Force (force count in piece value), and Pawn Structure determine the attacker from the defender and vice versa.

Rules of Time

Ahead in Time
1. Don’t close the position
2. Force pawn exchanges for open lines
3. Look for sacrifices

Behind in Time
1. Exchange pieces
2. Look for sacrifices
3. Counter Attack

Rules of Space

Ahead in Space
1. Don’t exchange pieces
2. Force pawn exchanges

Behind in Space
1. Place each piece effectively
2. Avoid pawn weaknesses
3. Exchange or defend weak pawns
4. Sacrifice for counter play
Exchange pieces

Pawn Structures

1. Weak – islands, isolated, doubled, backward (restrain, blockade, destroy)
2. Balanced – quiet (pieces are not very active), locked (use pawn storms), solid (systems like the stonewall and pawn triangle)
3. Dynamic – passed pawn (protected? split?), majority (create passers), minority attack (create weaknesses for the opponent), hanging pawns

  • Closed Position = all pawns remain on the board
  • Half Open Position = one pair of pawns have been exchanged
  • Open Position = Two or more pairs of pawns have been exchanged